Join us every Sunday at 9:15am for Morning Prayer before our 10:00am Sunday Service.
Join us every Tuesday from 6:00-8:00am for our Morning Prayer & Worship.
For a full list of teachings, visit our media page found here.
Want to get connected and build relationships at Our Father’s House? Sign up for a Life Group here! These Life groups will continue through May 2025.
Life Groups meet weekly on Wednesdays and are currently participating in a book study together.
Summer Nights: each summer we enjoy a series of fun activities to build relationship. Check back soon for more information on Summer Nights!
Join us for Newcomers Lunch! At these events, you will be taken through the history of Our Father’s House, our vision, values, and also learn more about our ministries.
To sign up for our next Newcomers Lunch, click here!
Following up on our Newcomers Lunch, we also offer a Newcomers 101 Class. To learn more, email Mitchell Wasmund: mitchell@ourfathershouse.com.
We place strong importance on the value of healthy marriage and family.
For resources on these topics, check out our links below:
Marriage Ministry Training
Fall 2024 with Austin and Jill Hofsommer (link)
Spring 2023 with Barry and Diane Nichols (link)
Passionate Parenting Training with Tiffiney Jackson (link)
Mamas and Munchkins (each summer for mothers/guardians and their children up to age 5th grade)
For upcoming events, check out our events page here.
Our Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry is for children ages 6 weeks-5th grade.
To learn more, visit our Kingdom Kids page here.
Serving is an integral part of life at Our Father’s House. If you call Our Father’s House home and would like to sign up to serve, please visit our volunteer sign up page here.
Want to get more connected at OFH but still don’t know where to begin?
Email admin@ourfathershouse.com!
To follow us online, subscribe to our YouTube, Podcast, Facebook, and Instagram pages.
what to expect
Here is an idea of what to expect if you join us on a Sunday morning!
We believe that God has a unique and specific plan for each of our gatherings (1 Cor. 14:26). Our highest priority is to please God by giving the Holy Spirit freedom to move as He desires through the gifts He has given to every believer (Rom. 12:4-8, 1 Cor 12:4-11). We want to release the Holy Spirit to accomplish His work in our midst and desire not to restrict, quench, or grieve Him (Eph. 4:30, 1 Thess. 5:19).
Embracing this truth means that not all of our services will look exactly the same! We pray and prepare for every meeting but we are willing to yield and go in the direction that He is leading us. This attitude fosters an expectation for more of the Father’s presence and produces hunger to experience His power. We serve the Living God who still speaks, heals, and loves to be among His people!