Kingdom Kids

Children are an inheritance and gift from the Lord to be valued and cherished (Psalm 127:3). Through our children’s ministry, we desire to raise our children to become lovers of the Word, filled with the Holy Spirit, and worshippers of Jesus!

Kingdom Kids Coordinator

Allison Skinner

Volunteer Lead Teachers

Left to Right: Brittney Wasmund (Nursery), Caiti Lacher (2-3 year olds), Tiffiney Jackson (4-K), Kelsey Sullivan (1st-5th grade)


Nursery (6 Weeks - 12 Months)

Your child will be met by loving arms ready to care for them through the entire service. We are honored to care for your babies and pray over them while you participate in the service.

1 Year Old Class

In our 1 Year Olds class, your child will be introduced to the Bible through songs, stories, and play. We offer this class through the entirety of service.

2 & 3 Year Old Class

Children are introduced to Jesus through interactive Bible stories, activities, and crafts. This class is provided throughout the entire service.

4 Year Old’s - Kindergarten

We believe this is a pivotal age in laying a foundation of loving the Lord! This class is available for the entirety of the service, but we encourage parents to start introducing their kids to corporate worship around this age.

1st - 5th Grade

Kingdom Kids join us for worship in service. We believe it is important for them to be exposed to the presence and power of God at a young age. They are released to their class after worship for an engaging lesson, games, and crafts that lead them to the Heart of Jesus.