our vision

Our vision is not the invention of something new - it is the restoration of something old: the New Testament church. We exist to advance God’s Kingdom by preaching the gospel, making disciples, planting churches, and living passionately for His glory.

our values

  • We strongly affirm the inerrancy and infallibility of the God-inspired Scriptures in their entirety. The Bible is our final authority on all matters of theology, morality and life.​

  • We believe that Jesus' primary purpose in coming to earth was to reveal the Father and fully make Him known. All believers in Him are sons and daughters to the Father and brothers and sisters to one another.

  • He is the Foundation and Cornerstone of His church, therefore, we are called to follow His building pattern as revealed throughout the Scriptures. Since He is the sole Head of His church, we believe in a team leadership structure based on equality.

  • He is free to move and minister to His people as He desires through the gifts He has given to all believers for the edification of the church.

  • Every person is made in the image and likeness of God and therefore has intrinsic and inherent worth, value and significance. We are committed to becoming an authentic community of healthy people and families.​

  • God has commanded and empowered us to bless and impact the city in which we live. We are committed to doing so through meeting the physical and spiritual needs of those around us.

  • We embrace and support the advancement of the Good News of Jesus Christ through worldwide evangelism, church planting and missionary efforts both domestically and internationally.

frequently asked questions

  • Our Father’s House began in 2018 as a small group of friends and families gathering together weekly to worship Jesus and seek His presence. As God gave the increase, we transitioned in 2019 from a house to a larger meeting space in Avon. Then, in late 2021, we stepped out in faith again to move into our current facility. Our goal as a fellowship is to mature spiritually, not merely grow numerically, enabling us to multiply and plant other healthy, Spirit-filled churches.

  • As a community who is deeply determined to glorify God and not man, we believe team leadership is clearly the New Testament pattern. We believe in elders and deacons functioning together to serve the needs of the church. We reject the one-man model of ministry as insufficient and unbiblical. We are actively seeking to equip leaders to grow in their responsibilities as we share the load together. We believe in the co-equality and plurality of elders leading, shepherding, and pastoring the flock; the elders at Our Father’s House are Austin Hofsommer and Mitchell Wasmund. Jesus Christ alone is called "the Chief Shepherd" and, therefore, He is "the Pastor" of this flock (1 Peter 5:4). For more information about our leadership team of elders and deacons, please visit our Who We Are page.

  • We are thrilled you want to be more involved in our community! Our mission is to be a spiritual family built together in loving relationship. Like any relationship, it takes ample time to grow in health and depth. If you haven’t been to a Newcomers Lunch yet, make plans to attend the next one soon! At this lunch after Sunday service, we share our history as a church, vision for the future, ways you can serve, and answer any questions you may have about Our Father’s House. To find out when the next Newcomers Lunch is please visit our Events page.

  • We believe that God has a unique and specific plan for each of our gatherings (1 Cor. 14:26). Our highest priority is to please God by giving the Holy Spirit freedom to move as He desires through the gifts He has given to every believer (Rom. 12:4-8, 1 Cor. 12:4-11). We want the Holy Spirit to accomplish His work in our midst and desire not to restrict, quench, or grieve Him (Eph. 4:30, 1 Thess. 5:19). We pray and prepare for every service, yet we are willing and ready to yield and go in the direction God is leading us. We serve the Living God who is still active today and shouldn’t be put in a box of religious routine and man-made tradition (Matt. 15:1-9).

  • There is a distinct difference between the corporate “gift of tongues” and “praying in the Holy Spirit.” If a tongue is given publicly/corporately (on the mic, addressing the church), then it must be interpreted to prevent confusion (1 Cor. 14:1-19). If someone is praying in the Holy Spirit personally/privately, an interpretation is not necessary (Acts 10:46, Acts 19:6). Someone speaking in tongues privately “edifies himself” and they are “building themselves up on your most holy faith: praying in the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 14:4, Jude 20). “Praying at all times in the Spirit” is a vital part of the armor of God which all believers are called to wear (Eph. 6:18).

  • Our foundation for ministry is love and relationship. While our desire is to see the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifest through every believer, our meetings are not an open mic free-for-all. The people stewarding the flow of the service have a God-given responsibility to guard and protect the flock. If you believe you have a word that will edify the church, it must be submitted to leadership since they are ultimately responsible for what happens during a service.

  • We are blessed to provide financial support to the Molesky family. Aaron, Tana, and their children have served as missionaries in Northern Ireland since moving from Avon in 2019. You can learn more about our partners on our giving page.

  • Our Sunday morning gathering starts promptly at 10:00am. We pray before service at 9:15am and everyone is encouraged to join us. Since our goal is to pursue God’s presence together and not to have a well-polished service, we do not have an established end time. We simply press into His presence and yield to the Holy Spirit until we discern He has fully accomplished His will for our time together.

  • Our midweek meetings may consist of Life Groups in homes, Wednesday night teachings, prayer, fellowship gatherings, or something entirely different. This is yet another area we continually submit to the Holy Spirit’s leading. We want all of our gatherings to be full of the life-giving presence of God, not just another meeting to attend.

  • Please see our Events page!

what to expect

Here is an idea of what to expect if you join us on a Sunday morning!

We believe that God has a unique and specific plan for each of our gatherings (1 Cor. 14:26). Our highest priority is to please God by giving the Holy Spirit freedom to move as He desires through the gifts He has given to every believer (Rom. 12:4-8, 1 Cor 12:4-11). We want to release the Holy Spirit to accomplish His work in our midst and desire not to restrict, quench, or grieve Him (Eph. 4:30, 1 Thess. 5:19).

Embracing this truth means that not all of our services will look exactly the same! We pray and prepare for every meeting but we are willing to yield and go in the direction that He is leading us. This attitude fosters an expectation for more of the Father’s presence and produces hunger to experience His power. We serve the Living God who still speaks, heals, and loves to be among His people!